Twenty Sights, Lots of Colors

As of this update, Lamont met and exceeded the challenge to "write a few lines of a story involving any of these photos." He is taking a victory lap wearing a crown rakishly tipped over one eye--as well as his mammoth fur bikini. No Oprah wins a runner-up prize for being pithy (no, not pissy this time--pithy). Cake wins a runner-up prize for boozing it up to get inspiration, in keeping with the habits of some our most brilliant authors.

Bonus Questions: 1) What do you think the cage-like object below is in the black and white photograph with the hand? The photo was taken in a country that someone who posts here lives in. I wonder which one? 2) What museum is the Flame sign from below? 3) What's your record for consecutive foul shots? 4) Have you ever stayed in a MORE orange hotel room than the one below? Where's the strangest place (motel/hotel/hostel) you've ever stayed?